Tomer Alon
Co-founder and CEO
A senior business executive, with a BSc in computer Eng, bachelor’s degree and MBA studies in management and Economics from Derby University.

Paul Brown
Co-founder and COO/CFO
A lawyer by training and an entrepreneur by vocation. Paul has worked in both multinational and startup technology companies internationally.

Prof. Manuel Domínguez-Pumar
Co-founder and Advisor
Full professor at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), BarcelonaTech, Spain. Director of the MarsLab at UPC.

Prof. Eduard Llobet
Co-founder and Advisor
An IEEE Senior Member, PhD from the UPC-Barcelona Tech (1997), focused on the dynamic response of semiconductor gas sensors to improve their selectivity.

Dr. Eric Navarrete
Co-founder and CTO
Received his bachelor’s in chemistry and his master’s in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from University Rovira i Virgili and Northeastern University, Boston.